Fighting Cancer Together.

Caacupe-mi Port participated in a very motivating activity with a new organization called “Lucha” with their slogan; “Fighting Against Cancer Together ” this organisation which collects plastic bottle/jar caps from homes or businesses. They usually carry out the cap request collection on a national level 4 times a year.

On this occasion we joined the official Christmas collection of December 23, collecting caps throughout the port to be donated to this organization so that they could be later commercialised and with the collected funds, they were   redirected to hostels, projects or various activities that benefit children suffering from cancer.

In practically two weeks we were able to deliver a little over 6 kilos of tapas to this organization on Saturday, December 23, in the good name of our port.

Thus, we are encouraging the culture of recycling internally by contributing to the preservation of the environment, permanently cultivating solidarity in our organization.