With private capital, a new port will be built in the city of Villeta

New port in the city of Villeta

The new port will be built in the city of Villeta, with an investment of US $ 30 million, financed by the United States, through the Inter-American Corporation for Financing Infrastructure for Latin America and the Caribbean. This was stated by the businessman Francisco Leri, after the audience at Mburuvicha Roga with the Paraguayan President, Horacio Cartes who was accompanied by a delegation composed of other entrepreneurs along with the vice president of Puerto Caacupemí, Duncan Martin.

“It will be a very essential container port. The container ships in Paraguay cover three points which are Pilar, Villeta and Asunción. Therefore, it was the exact location that was lacking and we remain determined to localise that geographically also”, he explained during the press conference held at the presidential residence.

Mr Leri stressed that they had discussed the investment with the president. “We came to comment on the investment. Leri said “We are from Puerto Caacupemí”. “We own Puerto Caacupemí – Asunción, Caacupemí – Pillar”. “First of all, in the coming months we had been coordinating the inauguration of the logistic park here in Asunción, but now it has already been finished”



He added that “despite the economic crisis in the region which is expected to grow by 4% in the following few years, but the large deficit is mainly in infrastructure. We are in this field of ports, therefore, we will continue to invest and the proof of that; will be the new port which will have a logistics park in the city of Villeta also, “he stressed.



The port entrepreneur also welcomed the take-over of the Argentine president, Mauricio Macri, by answering the hindrances imposed by the previous government. “He is an entrepreneur and knows the main logistical needs very well. Currently, almost all Paraguayan cargo passes through the ports of Montevideo, due to previous Argentine port and union members. Actually, if he can improve all these  situations meaning  that cargo loads can also somehow be able to move through Argentina again, it would be better for one and all: for Paraguay, ships, ports and the economy itself”, he said.